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[pct-l] Ultra-Light Humor
Hey everyone - while my buddy and I were training for our upcoming
ultrarun of the JMT, we were going over our gear/food list during a
light 32 mile training run. when my buddy mike started telling me
about his idea for our meals, we both started laughing histerically
when we actually listened to it from a non-ultrarun/non-ultralight
point of view. I realized then that I had to post it because the
only people who would appreciate the humor are my friends on this
list. so here was what he seriously suggested:
Day 1
- Breakfast: eat a decent breakfast of fruit, grains, milk and juice
before we start on the trail.
- morning snack (after about 12 miles of running, mind you): One
Jolly Rancher.
It was at this point that I burst into laughter. He fed off my
hysteria and suggested that the ONE single Jolly Rancher was too
heavy and that he would consider cutting it in half and using the
other half for the afternoon snack in order to save weight.
The really funny part is that we realize how rediculous that sounds,
yet we really are going to go with the single Jolly Rancher for a
morning snack!!!
there will also be another morning snack of power gel some hours
later, but its still damn funny.
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