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[pct-l] Cabezon
- Subject: [pct-l] Cabezon
- From: Carl Siechert" <carl@pct77.org (Carl Siechert)
- Date: Mon, 1 Apr 2002 07:47:41 -0800
It's rare that a 1977 PCT hiker is wrong about anything, but I'm afraid =
Monte is quite confused about his preference of Cabezon over Idyllwild. =
Cabezon is a pit. Aside from the dubious attraction of Hadley's (date =
shakes, anyone?), there's nothing there of interest. It's hot, windy, or =
both. Despite the recent construction of a bunch of outlet stores and a =
casino, they can hardly entice people whizzing by on the adjacent I-10 =
Idyllwild, on the other hand, has everything a thruhiker needs, plus =
charm and beauty. As Monte knows, there's more to a PCT hike than a cold =
calculation of practicality. You gotta choose your side trips based on =
factors other than which burns the absolute fewest calories. (And as =
others have pointed out, the drop into Idyllwild and return to the trail =
isn't as bad as its reputation--and it might even be easier than getting =
a ride into that hellhole Cabezon!)
1977 Kelty Kid
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