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[pct-l] Beer, Cheeseburgers??
- Subject: [pct-l] Beer, Cheeseburgers??
- From: reynolds@iLAN.com (Reynolds, WT)
- Date: Sun, 31 Mar 2002 21:50:51 -0800
Cabazon is a dump. Gimme a break Monte.
-----Original Message-----
From: Montedodge@aol.com [mailto:Montedodge@aol.com]
Sent: Sunday, March 31, 2002 9:12 PM
To: pct-l@mailman.backcountry.net
Subject: [pct-l] Beer, Cheeseburgers??
Cabazon also has beer and food , but minus the 2,500ft. climb back and
8,000ft. pound down hill with 5 days of food. ( 15 lb. min.) The PCT is
waterless down Fuller Ridge and you will have to pack water the last 16 or
miles to add to your 8,000ft. downhill pound!!! OK , now your ultralight
of 15lb. base weight , plus 15 lb.s of food for 5 days, plus 10 lbs. of
is now at 40lbs. for your 8,000ft. decent. ( Your knees will love you!!!)
When you could have a 25 lb. pack and a easy 4 mile hitch to Cabazon . ( PS
besides Hadley's market, you can go to a real truck stop Casino with
with big guts, cowboy boots, cowboy hats, having a gal in a cocktail dress
ask you " What chew what to drink hun!!!" You may hit the Jackpot and win
enough to pay for your next 4 town stops!
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