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[pct-l] Iron Mtn. III, Sat. March 23rd

L.A. area Hikers,

It's back!! Iron Mtn. III that is! This Saturday, March 23rd.

Actually at the moment it is a bit tentative, depending on the weather.
Accuweather is forecasting cloudy with spotty showers, becoming windy in
the afternoon and a high of 58 with a real feel" of 50 at Baldy Village.
Hopefully that will change for the better by this weekend.

We will be taking the Heaton Flat Trail up Iron Mountain (one peak west
of Mt. Baldy). It is a pretty good trail for the first 3 miles, then
about 2 miles on a fair trail along an undulating ridge (2500' of gain in
these 5 miles) and then about 2 1/2 miles of an un maintained "use trail"
up a ridge to the summit. 

This is the perfect hike to help get in shape for the 2002 hiking season!
Robinson (Trails of the Angeles) calls it a "strenuous" hike, we felt
"moderate" would be a better term to use when inviting others to do it,
especially since you are seasoned hikers! Seriously it is one of the
harder hikes in the San Gabriels so will be a great training hike for
whatever adventure you are training for. It is 15 miles round trip and
takes about 9 hours.
We will meet at the Ranger Station just north of Azusa on Hwy. 39 (Azusa
Ave./San Gabriel Canyon Rd.) at 8:30 in the morning. There is free on
street parking just before the station. It is another 20 min. or so to
the trail head at the East Fork Fire Station, Forest Adventure Passes
(available at the ranger station if we need more) are required to park
Please let me know if you plan to join us so we know to look for you. We
plan to start hiking at 9:00.
Vic Hanson

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