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[pct-l] Jeeping near Mexican Border and Pocketmail
First, if you are going to hike the PCT, I would advise buying a Pocketmail
so you can keep in touch with loved ones from any payphone. Cost is a flat
15.00 per month. I will bring one down to kick-off to sell used for someone
who may be interested. Jeeps near PCT?? I own a 97 TJ and enjoy getting
info for places to go. Seems like San Diago is nothing but Jeep trails and
routes. Didn't realize, so many folks Jeeping around Cleavand National Forest
and Anza desert. Saw some good maps on different jeep links and it was like "
Old Home Week" with all the same areas. I only wish that I lived closer to do
a few water stashs myself and see the country the easy way. Lake Morana is a
big jump off point for many jeep routes. Monte