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[pct-l] winter weather
- Subject: [pct-l] winter weather
- From: jomike@snowcrest.net (JoAnn Michael)
- Date: Sun, 25 Nov 2001 13:37:45 -0800
"Sure feel sorry for you guys (and gals) in colder areas, I went for
beautiful, warm, sunny hikes on Monday, Wednesday and yesterday as well
as mtn. biking on Thanksgiving morning (L.A. area). Today that storm =
blew in from up north came earlier than forecast and I ended up hiking
back in the rain (after spending a few hours at a hot springs) and then
spending hours in rain caused traffic jams on the freeways."
As hard as it might be for you (and Charlie :) to understand, I LOVE =
where we live and ALL the snow we get! And, I don't need to drive =
anywhere, let alone in hours of traffic, to get to the out-of-doors. I =
went snowshoeing this a.m. for 2 miles, right from my own front door =
into thousands of acres of open land right here at my 'home'. Ain't it =
grand?!! :)
Let's here it for all of us who LIVE in the out-of-doors, in cold =
weather climate (where I am at doesn't even compare with the REAL cold =
spots) and, live here and not LA or SD, because we don't want to live in =
LA or SD! :)
A happy, cold blooded, 'hick from the sticks', where winter means =
winter, not a variation on summer,
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