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[pct-l] Hiking Speed
In a message dated 11/17/2001 9:28:22 AM Eastern Standard Time,
lightningbolt94@hotmail.com writes:
> One thing that
> I have learned from long distance hiking over the years is that the
> small percentage of hiker's that tend to jump ahead of the pack and
> never let up are mostly looked upon as some sick, sick people (me
> included, thank you). But, I would also asess that "our" definition of
> sick is most likely very different than most peoples... and that's what
> I like best about us! Of course, I've always been an open-minded person
> and concerned hiker's like Brawney have even got me signed up for
> therapy:-)
LOL.... I'll have to agree!
Most people consider it *sick* when someone hikes 2600 miles, no matter what
their speed. Next time you do a 3 and a half month thru-hike, you'll just
have turn around and head back, like another Dave did. You'll be certifiable
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