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[pct-l] Hiking Speed
Lightning Bolt:
I've been called alot of nasty things in my lifetime, but I have never been
complimented before by being referred to as a "> two-bit trading forked tale
> talking used car salesmen". And, as to being associated with the likes of
> a shady character like Tom, this really insults me. Please don't refer to
> us two in the same sentence ever again (unless a sum of six or seven
> figures is involved).
> By the way, I have a great new backpack design based upon the old Kelty
Tioga frame that I think would look great on you! What? How much does it
weigh? Oh, don't worry about that, you should look at the suspension system
and how well the weight distribution can be regulated . . . . .
Best regards,
Greg "Strider" Hummel
P.S. What do I do with these 250 "ultralight styrofoam-polycarbonate" cups?
Nobody seems to want to buy them for the $5 per that you recommended!
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