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[pct-l] fires

Dave, unless you live in an extreme fire danger area and have seen the =
awesome, total destruction fires can cause, (read: virtually no =
prescription last winter; unusually hot and dry weather this season; =
lightening; stupid tourists, etc.) keep your thoughts to yourself.

For those of us who have seen our friends homes both saved and burned to =
the ground, you have no idea how much respect the fire fighters deserve. =
 I think the number was about 7 young people killed a season or two ago, =
after parachuting into the heart of a major burn in Oregon.  And that is =
only some of the people killed doing their job. =20

I have nothing but respect for the men and women who save thousands of =
homes and lives every year. Those who fight the fires, on the line, have =
nothing to do with policy or politics.  They are mainly 'seasonal' =
workers, generally quite young.  How dare you use politics to talk about =
the exact same people who live in the same community, share the same =
home towns and locations, and literally, 'put their lives on the line', =
every year.

I find your letter disrespectful, lacking in real knowledge (where 'the =
rubber meets the road'), heartless and just blain disgusting.


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