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[pct-l] Fires
As an east coaster who isn't threatened by fires, I hate to chime on this,
If we had let many more fires burn over the last 100 years we wouldn't be in
the predicament we are in now, high fire loads and endangered properties. If
you build out in the woods, then face the music, you may burn. Perhaps the
government should begin prescribed off season burns around at risk
properties, instead of fighting large fires in the summer.
The biggest joke is the large scale fire fighting missions that we see all
summer. A University researcher out west did a study and came to the
conclusion that fires are supressed by higher humidity and cooler temps
regardless of whether they have been fought or allowed to burn (wilderness
areas). You can't fight mother nature, unless of course you are the Fire
Fighting Industry, which reaps handsomely from fire fighting efforts. Too
bad they have little to show for it.
Fires, natures face lift, get used to it.
David Craft
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