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[pct-l] Bear Cannister, (and Ursack?)

From: "The Dude" To: <pct-l@mailman.backcountry.net>

> 1.  How many people have lost their food to a bear while sleeping with it?
I have never heard of one.

Case One: One of my former Scouts, on family backpack with his church, took
a nap at lunch using his backpack as a pillow. A bear took a swipe at his
pack, ripping off a side pocket that contained his day's snack food, and
just missing the young man's head by inches. Verified by his parents and his
pastor who were both present, and I myself saw the pack damage the next

> 2.  How many people have been attacked by a bear trying to get food that
they were sleeping with?  Again, I have never heard of one.

Case Two: Two separate incidents last year at a youth camp near San
Gorgonio, where the camper had candy or something in their tent, and a bear
injured the sleeping camper while getting their munchies. These were
reported in newspapers, but I'll let someone else try to find them.


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