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[pct-l] Ansel Adams at 100

This isn't actually a hiking subject, but to me landscape photos are almost
as good as hiking there, especially if the photos are the work of a master
like Ansel Adams.

 2002 is Ansel Adams 100th birthday and to celebrate an exhibition has been
assembled to reinterpret his career.The show is in San Francisco right now
and will be traveling to other cities. I highly recommend a visit at SF
Museum of Modern Art or any other city. The first Tuesday of the month is
free admission in SF. I rented the cassette and earphones which made the
show more meaningful.

We went and as we were viewing the photos I was amazed at how many I
recognized from my hiking and then I realized how privileged I am to have
been the places AA was and to shoot my own pictures. I am also grateful for
the work that has been done to maintain these areas as wilderness (is spite
of sharing with what seems like lots of other visitors). Ansel Adams did not
shoot many pictures  in his last decades, but spent lots of time promoting
conservation of the back country.

Gotta walk,