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Fwd: [pct-l] Gulls and Crows

Monte wrote:

>  Bears are at least as smart and as soon as one learn to smack in 
>against a rock a few times , the gig is up.

	There was a YNP report a few years ago, I thought I read it 
on this list.....there was at least one bear at Glen Aulin that was 
busting Garcias on rocks by hugging them and dropping them, lid down. 
Whether that bear was since destroyed or relocated or has shown its 
progeny and associates,  I don't know.  The YNP wilderness website 
doesn't say anything in particular about this matter so maybe it got 
relocated.  But if a bear KNEW how to do this, I don't see what would 
stop them.
	Does anyone else remember that post?

Kevin Corcoran