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[pct-l] Long live the Canister!!

Really Monte!

I believe I have and old Garcia [if not I will procure one]. Lets see how
long it takes for you to smash open the canister next ADZPCTKO. You will
need to wear mittens and have your thumbs taped to your hands to simulate
how a bear paw works.

We will sell tickets at $5 each. The one who guesses the correct time wins
the prize.


-----Original Message-----
From: Montedodge@aol.com [mailto:Montedodge@aol.com]
Sent: Friday, August 10, 2001 9:45 PM
To: pct-l@mailman.backcountry.net
Subject: [pct-l] Long live the Canister!!

 If I thought a bear canister would be the final answer to Sierra Bear 
problems , I may be more agreeable. So far , bears have beaten each new
the NPS has come up with as the bear population adapts very quickly. If
a  canister  and told to open it without opening the lid, I could pop it
an easter egg just by smashing it on a rock and a little force. It won't be 
long before the bear's figure this out as well.  Then we will all play " 
Simon the Ranger Says" now do this with your food. The real problem is a
of fear bear's have in this area as compared to other bear populations. If 
all the politically correct hiker's have their way, you would just need to 
close all of this area to people as somewhere down the line someone may fall

asleep with a Hersey bar in their pocket and cause problems. You need a tool

to make the bears respect a hiker's space and not look at us as doormats. 
Some hiker's feel that people who do not use a canister are the problem. I 
feel just as strongly that passive hikers who pamper bears are the true 
problem. Just because you use a canister does not make you immune to bear 
problems. On the CDT , at Indian Springs ( Near the Chinese Wall) 3 years
, a bear came into hikers camp and did take food out of the pan as it
( No fear factor!!) How about carrying an air horn, ( Which is reported to 
work well) or a sling shot ( Which I know works well!!)         Now about 
risk factors,( thank you Randy for a little support) Everyone claims a 
helmetless biker or a seat belt less drive costs taxpayer money, ( special 
note class: I wear my belt belt aways and also a helmet). This is still a 
personal choice  and should not be forced!!!! If you say it is , then you
a hypocrite. You cannot pick and choose behaviors that are destructive. If 
you say in is wrong to allow someone not to wear a seatbelt , then it is
as wrong to smoke, drink , eat a poor diet or screw around because somewhere

down the line, it will cost tax payers. And is also applies to our risky 
behaviors like kayakers, hikers and climbers. Each year , someone is rescued

off Rainier by Chopper and may or may not have the funds to repay. And don't

forget the high budget rescues in Alaska.  Signed, Non- Zombie hiker
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