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[pct-l] RE: Not stupid people but smart bears
First you got to learn to make do with less than 1 "suitable" (i.e.,
perfect) tree every 40000 square miles. Be reasonable. So what if the
limb is a centimeter too high or too low? <g>
It has been several years since I've backpacked in the areas where the
bears are really good at getting backpackers' food. I've
counter-balanced my food maybe 10 - 20 times and never lost food to a
bear when so hung. But then again, I wasn't along the JMT. So maybe the
bears were not where my food was hung when it was hung there.
Anyway, I now have both a Garcia bear canister and an Ursack. the Ursack
seems to work adequately up here in for northern California. Then again
maybe I've just been lucky.
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