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[pct-l] Be safe or I won't pay for it
- Subject: [pct-l] Be safe or I won't pay for it
- From: Randy@coronanetworks.com (Randy Forsland)
- Date: Fri, 10 Aug 2001 08:19:12 -0700
Mara Factor writes:
>I agree with Jim and Carl. I really don't care if you don't want to wear
>your seatbelt or motorcycle helmet as long as the consequences of your
>actions don't cause my taxes or insurance premiums to go up in the event
>have an accident with claims that would have otherwise been reduced.
How about those that have contracted AIDs through unsafe sexual practices or
intravenous drug use ??
Or heart disease brought on by poor diet and execise habits ??
Why are we only singling out certain dangerous activities when we could
target them all ??!!
What we need is more Government to force everybody to be healthier and
Hmmmm...sounds like that could be the basis of a good novel...wait..that's
already been done..
aka Trailgypsy
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