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[pct-l] My experiences with hormones
- Subject: [pct-l] My experiences with hormones
- From: ppctmargo@earthlink.net (Margo Cruse)
- Date: Thu, 9 Aug 2001 20:8:15 -0700
Dear Bear Fearers,
I am 51 going on 2 and I hiked 850 miles of the PCT this season from
Mexico to Muir Trail Ranch. Alot of it solo.Because of my age I an
probably hyper or hypo hormonal.I saw one bear from Walker Pass to Muir Trail
Ranch. I hung my food or used bear boxes provided by the park service. I ate at
different spot than I slept(sometimes)I and sometimes stealth camped. I carried
no weapons including pepper spray, titanium guns, knives, or wrist rockets. I
had no bear cannister, but if I had continued on I would have gotten one.So the
question is, why didn't I have any bear incounters.? Because I am a mean old
gal? If that is so, why didn't the damn mosquitoes pick up on that and leave me
Long story shorter, I am going backpacking in Inyo for seven days
with a 10 other people. We all will have bear cannisters.. I shall report back.
Full of Piss, vinegar and female hormones,
The Flaming Margo
--- Margo Cruse
--- ppctmargo@earthlink.net
--- EarthLink: It's your Internet.
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