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[pct-l] Famous Last Words ...
Famous last words from former PCT hikers:
** This tent's fireproof; go ahead and light the stove.
** She's probably just hibernating.
** The odds of a bear coming in this tent has to be a million to 1.
** I wonder where the cubs' mother is.
** It's OK; these are the good kind of mushrooms.
** This tuna doesn't taste right.
** I'll hold it and you light the stove.
** Let the bear bag down slowly.
** It's strong enough for both of us.
** Nice bear! Nice baby!
** I always use gas to start my campfire.
** Well, we've made it this far.
** That's odd. I'm sure that I hit him with a steelie.
** Darn Bear! Hold my corn pasta and watch this.
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