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[pct-l] Canisters , Sling shots and Rangers

to: Madman Monte
from: Tom the Great
I prefer involving corporations 100 times my size in lawsuits where they can
lose big time. Shooting steelies at bears [or lecturing thruhikers on bear
canister ethics] is beneath my station. Frankly, I have seen way more
Rangers than bears the last few years. That is the point of my post.


-----Original Message-----
From: Montedodge@aol.com [mailto:Montedodge@aol.com]
Sent: Sunday, August 05, 2001 9:02 PM
To: pct-l@mailman.backcountry.net
Subject: [pct-l] Canisters , Sling shots and Rangers

 O K, yes you need to pack your plastic band -aid in the Sierra's!! ( But
can still take a wristrocket)  And yes Tom , it is just plain fun to mess 
with thug bears. You can also play William Tell and ask a ranger to put a 
Canister  on his head ( like an apple) and see if you can shoot it off at 20

paces. TIC   So far, catering to the bears has not worked yet. Even if you
use a canister, bears have been known to come straight into your camp as you

cook and bluff you out of your food  .A little kiss from a steelie makes
turkey and rice go down yogi's throat alot less tasty!! Of course, I take 
mouse traps hiking with me to cuts my loses to mice as well as they are much

more difficult to hit at 40 paces with a steelie than Mr. Bruin. Maybe in a 
few more years, the PCT will have a 10 ft' high chain link fence forming a 4

ft. tunnel which will run the entire length of the JMT.  As long as you have

these things ( protected bears and people with food) you will always have 
conflicts!! End of Story
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