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[pct-l] Delorme Topo USA
- Subject: [pct-l] Delorme Topo USA
- From: jmertes@gte.net (John Mertes)
- Date: Tue, 31 Jul 2001 22:17:38 -0700
- References: <001201c119ae$dc9c01a0$da441c18@austin.rr.com>
I tried DeLorme TOPO USA 3.0 and sent it back and got a refund. I found the route shown for the PCT in the area I was going was way off as well as lots of other discrepancies with the data in the area I visited. I think you can find the discussion in the list archives.
Paul/Maryann Lockey wrote:
> Has anyone had a problem with the Delorme Topo USA version 3.0 topographical map software. I created a rout starting at the southern end of the PCT running up to Warner Spring. The guide book says the distance is 110.6mi the software says 79mi. I tried it against other shorter trails that I know and sometimes it was on target but most often not. I'm not sure if its something I doing wrong or the software.
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