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[pct-l] Linda Exposed NOT!
You should be aware that Rich Calliger plays little tricks with his email
address and makes up fake names an addresses, and then sends out emails to
act as though others are defending him. List owner beware!!
How many would like to bet this is a ficticious person:
Robert Koberg" <rob@koberg.com
--- StripMime Report -- processed MIME parts ---
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Message: 4
From: "Robert Koberg" <rob@koberg.com>
To: "John Mertes" <jmertes@gte.net>, <at-l@mailman.backcountry.net>,
<pct-l@mailman.backcountry.net>, <nct-l@mailman.backcountry.net>,
<iat-l@mailman.backcountry.net>, <ft-l@mailman.backcountry.net>
Subject: Re: [pct-l] Linda Exposed NOT!
Date: Sun, 1 Jul 2001 22:09:27 -0700
This is pathetic. The guy was doing a service to the list by trying to keep
it on track and he is getting attacked.
To me, someone posting off-topic material (or questionable OT stuff
repeatedly) is like someone coming into a an elevator and farting. Maybe the
farter doesn't know it's wrong or they can't help themselves. But,
nevertheless it is unpleasant for most people in the elevator even if they
don't complain.
What the original person was doing was stating some basic rules of
my two cents...
----- Original Message -----
From: "John Mertes" <jmertes@gte.net>
To: <at-l@mailman.backcountry.net>; <pct-l@mailman.backcountry.net>;
<nct-l@mailman.backcountry.net>; <iat-l@mailman.backcountry.net>;
Sent: Sunday, July 01, 2001 8:36 PM
Subject: [pct-l] Linda Exposed NOT!
> Having a little spare time today to play around, I decided to
> investigate (a little) R. J. Calliger's "expose" of Linda, the recipe
> poster, and her recipe for Tamale Boats. BTY, IANAL.
> I tried all three URL's that RJ posted, the first and third took me to
> the same recipe on the camping.about.com web site. The second URL was
> invalid.
> I tried a search on Yahoo for "tamale boats" and I got 4 hits. Two were
> the same as the first and third that Rich posted. Another was to a page
> where the author was complaining about service in a fast food joint and
> someone else ordering a lot of tamale boats. The fourth was to the Black
> Diamond Brewing Company's (located in Walnut Creek, CA) web site listing
> chicken tamale boats as a menu item; this was the *correct* version of
> the second URL that RJ said had been disconnected for copyright
> infringement; there was no indication that this site had ever been
> closed for any copyright infringement.
> It seems tamale boats are a rather wide spread if not well know dish. I
> didn't find any reference to the origins of the dish. Thus it seems to
> me, that the basic recipe and dish is an old one and not copyrighted or
> else in the public domain. RJ's intact copying of the original recipe
> from the camping site is likely a copyright infringement of whatever
> rights the camping site has. Linda's recipe may be derived from the one
> on the camping site, maybe not. However at least hers is not an exact
> copy and may be considered a derivative work with her (or the real
> author) having some copyrights to that recipe.
> Thus at most, the 'evidence' RJ gave slightly suggests a source from
> which Linda might have copied; there is more likelihood that Linda is
> simply giving her version of a basic recipe which is NOT copyrighted.
> Also RJ has obviously infringed whatever copyrights the camping site has
> to the recipe he copied.
> --- StripMime Report -- processed MIME parts ---
> multipart/alternative
> text/plain (text body -- kept)
> text/html
> ---
> _______________________________________________
> PCT-L mailing list
> PCT-L@mailman.backcountry.net
> http://mailman.backcountry.net/mailman/listinfo/pct-l
Message: 5
From: "Ginny & Jim Owen" <spiritbear2k@hotmail.com>
To: pct-l@mailman.backcountry.net, rob@koberg.com
Subject: Fwd: [pct-l] Linda Exposed NOT!
Date: Mon, 02 Jul 2001 09:15:23 -0400
Robert Koberg wrote:
>This is pathetic. The guy was doing a service to the list by trying to keep
>it on track and he is getting attacked.
>To me, someone posting off-topic material (or questionable OT stuff
>repeatedly) is like someone coming into a an elevator and farting.
>What the original person was doing was stating some basic rules of
Y'know - I could go into this great dissertation about "what this list is
about" or maybe ask "why 15 posts per day about alcohol stoves are more
relevant than 4 posts per day about recipes?". But I'm not gonna do that.
What I AM gonna do is ask Rob to specifically define what HE thinks this
list is about and to define precisely what he means by "Keeping it on
track". Then we'll have something to talk about. Until and unless he can
define those things, then he's just blowin' smoke.
And the generalized "it should be about hiking the PCT" is NOT an answer.
That's only an answer for those who don't understand what long distance
hiking is about.
Get your FREE download of MSN Explorer at http://explorer.msn.com
Message: 6
From: CharlieJones@aol.com
Date: Mon, 2 Jul 2001 09:44:08 EDT
Subject: Re: [pct-l] Linda Exposed NOT!
To: spiritbear2k@hotmail.com, pct-l@mailman.backcountry.net, rob@koberg.com
In a message dated 7/2/01 6:31:04 AM Pacific Daylight Time,=20
spiritbear2k@hotmail.com writes:
"What I AM gonna do is ask Rob to specifically define what HE thinks this=20
list is about and to define precisely what he means by "Keeping it on=20
track".=A0 Then we'll have something to talk about.=A0 Until and unless he
define those things, then he's just blowin' smoke. "
Do us all a favor, guys, and take your arguments offline.=20
If other subscribers want to follow Jim and Rob's exchange of opinions,
them directly and ask to be included.
If anyone wants to attack me for my comment, send it directly to ME, not
the entire list.
Have a good hike (and tell us about that),
--- StripMime Report -- processed MIME parts ---
text/plain (text body -- kept)
Message: 7
From: ddurussel@provide.net
Reply-to: ddurussel@provide.net
To: PCT-L@mailman.backcountry.net
Date: Mon, 2 Jul 2001 10:11:27 +0500
Subject: [pct-l] (no subject)
please take me off the mail list
Message: 8
From: "Reynolds, WT" <reynolds@iLAN.com>
To: "'Ginny & Jim Owen'" <spiritbear2k@hotmail.com>,
Date: Mon, 2 Jul 2001 09:39:30 -0700
Subject: [pct-l] Point of this List
Except that I don't agree that this list or the PCT is about long distance
hiking, I agree with your post. I certainly agree that this list is the only
list about LDH on the PCT but not that -- thats all it's about. In general
it would be amusing to know what listers think this list should be about but
my understanding is that this list is a dictatorship. Brick gets to say.
This works for me.
-----Original Message-----
From: Ginny & Jim Owen [mailto:spiritbear2k@hotmail.com]
Sent: Monday, July 02, 2001 6:15 AM
To: pct-l@mailman.backcountry.net; rob@koberg.com
Subject: Fwd: [pct-l] Linda Exposed NOT!
Robert Koberg wrote:
>This is pathetic. The guy was doing a service to the list by trying to keep
>it on track and he is getting attacked.
>To me, someone posting off-topic material (or questionable OT stuff
>repeatedly) is like someone coming into a an elevator and farting.
>What the original person was doing was stating some basic rules of
Y'know - I could go into this great dissertation about "what this list is
about" or maybe ask "why 15 posts per day about alcohol stoves are more
relevant than 4 posts per day about recipes?". But I'm not gonna do that.
What I AM gonna do is ask Rob to specifically define what HE thinks this
list is about and to define precisely what he means by "Keeping it on
track". Then we'll have something to talk about. Until and unless he can
define those things, then he's just blowin' smoke.
And the generalized "it should be about hiking the PCT" is NOT an answer.
That's only an answer for those who don't understand what long distance
hiking is about.
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