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[pct-l] PCT Flashback!!!!!

kudija writes:

> I've got a 1977 Snow
>  Lion down parka which purportedly was used for that season's catalog shoot 
>  it's overkill for summer but great for playing Michelin-woman.  I bought my
>  first Wilderness Press PCT guide in '77, if that counts!  

Wow, Christina, I have the same things.  My Snow Lion parka is a burnt orange 
color.  I bought it at a smoke-damage-sale at a Santa Barbara backpacking 
store.  There have been many rumors that a tall, PCT-Thru-hiker-aspiring 
backpacker may have set the fire in order to get a great deal on a bunch of 
equipment at the insurance-smoke-damage-sale! 

Greg "Strider" Hummel