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[pct-l] Fish Lake Resort
In a message dated 6/8/2001 11:36:14 PM Eastern Daylight Time, aj7x@amsat.org
> Can anyone recommend (good or bad) Fish Lake Resort in Southern Oregon as a
I stayed at Fish Lake at a forest service campground and used a pay shower at
the adjacent Fish Lake Resort. There was a sign there saying showers were
for paying customers only and figured I was one since I was putting quarters
into the timer. ; )
Anyway, we got there too late to eat at the restaurant or see if store had
anything worthwhile. The guidebook does have an address for them and
recommends them as a resupply, although there's no mention in the data book.
Fish Lake Resort
PO Box 40
Medford, OR 97520
I don't have a phone number, but you may want to try to find one, confirm the
address and whether they still hold maildrops.
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