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[pct-l] PCT enthusiast views AT photos and composes poem

In a message dated 4/19/2001 12:09:10 PM Eastern Daylight Time, 
howie@jschool.troyst.edu writes:

> I didn't save the rest of the poem...it was posted here earlier today (or
> yesterday?).  I agree- the beauty on the AT is sometimes more subtle than
> that on the PCT.  But hey- I'm not picky... ;^)

Ah, now I found it...... by Steve "probably never been out east" Courtway

It's the beauty of our list,
when a Washingtonian vs. a Californian adds an interesting twist,
but in the end we know it's in jest,
and the west is simply the best !

To which I add:

No view of photos, 
live up to the totals.
You have to walk 'em,
in order to talk 'em!

He, he  happy hiking to all, Sly

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