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[pct-l] Fiery glop

I usually carry a small amount of baking soda instead of toothpaste when I'm
hiking.  I just sprinkle a very small amount on the toothbrush.  This has
some pluses and minuses.

First the minuses: it doesn't taste very good.

The pluses are:

(1) It doesn't smell like food, won't attract bugs, and is unlikely to be
interesting to furry creatures of whatever size.

(2) Environmentally, all it does here in the northeast is neutralize some
acid rain.

(3) It does not promote glop production :-)

The first reason is the most important to me.  We have lots of plants,
microbes, rain, and snow in my part of the world and I have never noticed a
problem with accumulated toothpaste glop.  I can imagine a problem in some
dryer areas though... perhaps this is where the common sense part comes in!

-- Jim

----- Original Message -----
From: "Saskia" <saskia.home@wanadoo.nl>
To: <pct-l@backcountry.net>
Sent: Saturday, April 14, 2001 4:19 AM
Subject: Re: [pct-l] Fiery glop

> Charlie,
> Is the glop of saline toothpaste better on the environment or is it
> the spit that makes it a problem?
> Saskia
> >Case in point:  toothpaste glop!
> >
> >As you very correctly point out, the problem is NOT your spit-spot in
> >nice campsite in the rain.
> >
> >The problem, however, IS your glop AND my glop AND Sly's glop AND Brick's
> >glop AND Margo's glop AND Steve's glop AND Ron's glop AND Karen's glop
> >AND...AND...AND...   I don't think that I have to throw in all the rest
> >the PCT-L'ers glop to make the point that it is the cumulative effect of
> >many campers over and over and over that creates a long-term problem at
> >given location.
> --
> ---------------------
> "If this is paradise, I wish I had a lawn mower"
> ---------------------
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