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[pct-l] Webpages
- Subject: [pct-l] Webpages
- From: Tom Rogers" <tom-rogers@home.com (Tom Rogers)
- Date: Fri, 30 Mar 2001 00:09:04 -0800
This is to let the list know that I uploaded the first installment of my =
journals, maps and photos from last year's hike on the PCT. My web site =
is at http://friends.backcountry.net/rogers. Click on the button above =
PCT 2000. The new pages present a fairly thorough picture of Sections =
A, B, C, and D. I think they may be of particular interest to the Class =
of 2001. I intend to finish the chronicle soon and upload through =
Section P, but wanted to get Southern California up for this year's =
class before most of you hit the trail.
Regret that I won't be at ADZPCTKOP this year, made the first two, and =
I'll be thinking of you all. This year I'll be hiking southbound from =
Manning Park to California starting in July, so I'm looking forward to =
meeting all the northbounders face to face.
Happy trails, Hobbit
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