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[pct-l] Length of PCT
- Subject: [pct-l] Length of PCT
- From: batdorff@coosnet.com (James Batdorff)
- Date: Sat, 24 Mar 2001 10:07:31 -0800
I was recently looking through a National Geographic Book on the PCT =
which was published in 1975. It mentioned that the PCT was: 2,400 =
miles in length.
The Pacific Crest Trail pamphlet of 1958 said the trail was 2,600 miles.
The two Schaffer guide books (Calif. 1995 and Oregon 1979) gives the =
total distance as 2,711.1 miles.
So for thru hikers in 2001, what is the length of the PCT?
Jim Batdorff
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