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[pct-l] TM --like this--hiker TM
TM-20 stands for trans-hiker meditation, 20 minutes.
Each day of your hike, you sit in the lotus position and meditate....like
really meditate.
Try to focus on the good things about your life... how lucky you are to be
able to spend some time in nature
...lucky to have everything you need in your pack
...lucky to be independent and self sufficient
...blessed to have good health
...fortunate to be getting stronger and healthier with each mile
Think about the beauty of the natural world. Let the scenery inspire you to
try to be
a good person,
a person of natural values,
a person who is a blessing to all other living creatures you meet along the
...slow to anger..
Take advantage of having some time to be alone with yourself
...see what you like about yourself and what you do not like.
Find ways of advancing your good self and retarding your bad self.
This is an intentional activity.
Intend to improve
...work at it
...study other truly good people
...do what they did.
Be quiet
...be whole
....be spiritual
...examine your soul and see if you have true spiritual integrity.
Then get up,
...be happy,
...hike your own hike,
...move on,
and don't try to convert everybody in the world
...some get it
...some do not.
...some don't try
For a while YOU can be Buddha,
YOU can be Jesus,
YOU can be Mohammed.
YOU can be Confucius.
YOU can be a saint, a monk,
For a while ...forty days and forty nights...
YOU can be ....God, a god, the GOD.