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[pct-l] corn pasta stigma
- Subject: [pct-l] corn pasta stigma
- From: scourtway@bpa-arch.com (Steve Courtway)
- Date: Wed, 28 Feb 2001 11:38:19 -0800
> Any of you thru hikers had prolonged experience with
> eating corn pasta on your trips? If so how did you like it? Do you =
> it helped or hurt your trip?
while I have not travelled "trans-state" distances along the PCT, I have =
corn pasta on "lengthy" backpacking trips.
1) I've found the reports of sticky, yucky, tasteless, distasteful corn =
to be in error, at least with the corn pasta elbows I was able to get.
2) You can't ignore the energy potential of corn. I get a yeah-hoo! =
effect from the stuff.
3) as with anything, the secret is in the sauce.
4) hurting your trip ? well, mental corn pasta breakdown can go as far =
as runner/biker
paranoia, moskys, or trail shackles to ruin your trip, If you don't keep =
a positive attitude towards it.
Steve "Not a trans-state thruhiker, but depositor of shredded foot skin =
on the PCT" Courtway
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