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[pct-l] Biggest resupply surprise???
In a message dated 2/19/01 9:06:01 AM Pacific Standard Time, TUmstead@gi.com
> Red's Meadow can also open late. When we got to it in '96, the shuttle bus
> had not started running and the store was not open for business. This was
To take this one step farther, I was there the same year beginning July 1.
Red's Meadow was open, but it was cold in the valley. We backpacked to
Minaret Lake over the 4th. The upper elevations of the trail was snow
covered; had to break the ice to get water from the lake. In the lower
elevations, mosquitoes were "out in full force." To hike there without deet
would have been suicide.
I don't know if '96 was rated a high, or low, "snow year."
Someone will tell us.
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