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[pct-l] regulations

Man, I must be psychic (or maybe it's spelled psychotic). After reading the 
PCTA webpage mentioned by Mr. Moak, it looks like bear canisters are going to 
be required soon and designated campsites the rule, at least in the Sierras. 
   Here's four more that I see coming down the pike soon.1. No campfires at 
all, period. (They already did at Mt. Rainier and it's a thick lush  near 
rainforest for cripes sake) 2. You must carry a cell phone. 3. Rescue 
insurance, especially for peak baggers. 4. A minimum of $100 to get a thru 
hike permit (non- refundable, of course.) They would love to ban "unsafe" 
solo hiking, too (they tried in Mt Rainier N.P., but a lawyer climber took 
them to court and won). And most people will simply go along because they 
just abhor confrontation.
  I have hiked in Canada quite a bit and the authorities there have quite a 
different attitude than ours. Yes, they have some obnoxious user fees, but 
they also believe they are there to assist you, at least in some places (they 
actually PROVIDED backcountry campfire wood in Bowron Lakes) Ours seem to be 
there just to control you and seem to consider hikers to be adversarial 
vandals who are certain to damage their resource. I have come to believe that 
it is impossible to change a Park Superintendents mind even with impeccable 
logic because they are convinced that to do so shows weakness, indecision, 
and will ruin their careers. The unnecessary mountain goat removal from 
Olympic National Park comes to mind as well as the fires that ravaged Los 
Alamos last spring. Only a Congressperson or judge can overrule them usually 
after the damage has been done. The only real solution is more BINDING public 
input (in keeping with the 1964 Wilderness Act, of course). Until then, they 
will just keep  screwing things up. 
  The obvious answer to the bear problem is to make them afraid of you, not 
try to outsmart them. If I was a bear, I'd toss that bear canister off a 
cliff, just for spite! Or play with it like a golden retriever that ALMOST 
lets you take the ball away but then runs away with it. 
     Once again, Ghandi rules! (It's amazing what you can do to a driver's 
license when you scan it up to your desktop and reprint it - just for fun, of 
* From the PCT-L |  Need help? http://www.backcountry.net/faq.html  *

To:            <jmertes@gte.net>
Cc:            <pct-l@edina.hack.net>