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[pct-l] Fires on the CDT & PCT
- Subject: [pct-l] Fires on the CDT & PCT
- From: "Roger Carpenter" <rogercar@pacifier.com>
- Date: Sun, 13 Aug 2000 16:01:37 -0700
Charlie Thorpe asked:
>>Are there any fires currently burning near the CDT
between Cottonwood Pass and the NM border? Is there a good way to
get the latest info just before I leave for the trail?<<
Here is good site for detailed current info on all fires in the west:
I responded to Charlie privately to tell him that the worst area on the CDT seems to be in southwest Montana along the Idaho/Montana border, and that Colorado along the CDT looks okay. Nearly all of the PCT seems fire free for now.
Roger Carpenter
Vancouver, Washington USA
PCT 1996
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