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[pct-l] Ultra Light Shoes!

Luigi A. Pavone was granted a patent (#6,009,637) recently for "Helium 
Footwear Sole".  "The Helium filled modules as described are simple and 
reliable. . .  Within each module are partitions with gaps in the walls.  The 
purpose of gaps is to equalize the pressure within the module, so that helium 
will be equally distributed within."  

I submit this invention into the next ADZPCTKO for the stupidest lightweight 
equipment idea category!

I'm surprised that Nike didn't come up with this!

Let's see, a Teva sandal with helium-filled module sole, weighing in at 
negative weight.   (Warning!  Place rocks or other equipment on sandals when 
not in use as they may rise and be lost to errant winds!)

Ah, and a helium filled sleeping pad, and toothbrush handle and ski pole 
handles and umbrella shaft and pot warmer and helium filled toothpaste that 
makes you sound like a chipmunk for a bit and a helium fueled cat food can 
stove and . . .

We ought to able to shave off at least an ounce or two from Jardine's pack 
with this new insight!

Greg "Helium Death Strider" Hummel
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