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re: [pct-l] Cabin Fever

>                                         Vol. 1, Issue 1
>                                          IN THIS ISSUE!
>       * Loin Cloths v.s Shorts
>       * Topless - The ONLY Way to Hike!  Contest Winners Announced
>       * Breatharian Breakthrough - Get All Your Nutrients From Just 
>       * Shave Ounces by Shaving Your Head - 50 Skinhead Hairlessdos
>       * Jim Bridger, John Muir and Sacagawea - Closet Jardinians? The Debate 
>Rages On!
>       * Pogo Sticks - Legal in the Wilderness? Our Lawyers Make Their Case!
>       * Heliumpack For Less Than $10!  Detailed Instructions Inside
>       * Camel Mania - Why Hike When You Can Ride?!! 10 Best Outfitters

Awesome but I want to subscribe to the flipside magazine:

Head line story:
How to actually pack the kitchen sink - 50 models reviewed!

>          (Man, I  Hope the annual Pacific Northwest Memorial Day Monsoon 
>ends soon)
>* From the PCT-L |  Need help? http://www.backcountry.net/faq.html  *

With my trailname AKA Dharmabum64  I 'll be somewhere on the PCT-(2600 miles) this summer.
* From the PCT-L |  Need help? http://www.backcountry.net/faq.html  *
