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[pct-l] Hi form the HIKEPLAN guy
- Subject: [pct-l] Hi form the HIKEPLAN guy
- From: JYates2719@aol.com
- Date: Wed, 31 May 2000 13:26:52 EDT
Greetings! My name is Jack Yates. I am a member of PCTA and have served as
vice president in the past. I have hiked pieces of the PCT but, at my age,
will probably not live long enough to do it all.
So, as a hobby I have developed a program to estimate hiking times between
points on the PCT (as taken from the Manual) with suggested camping spots,
noted water sources and other bits of information. It is a tool that has
assisted many hikers (about 40) who have used it as a first guess for setting
blocks of time for planning. Needed for completing a HIKEPLAN are: Level
hiking rate in miles per hour, climbing rate in feet per hour, desired
minimum and average hiking day in hours, and entry, exit and resupply points
on the PCT.
The HIKEPLAN has been featured twice in the PCTA Communicator.
I will be happy to prepare a HIKEPLAN for anyone contemplating a partial or
through hike on the PCT. Just provide the required data and your name and
address. If its a short one, I can attach it as a file on e-mail, but
longer ones usually require snail mail.
A further thought: I don't see why the HIKEPLAN program and data base
couldn't be at somebody's web site so that anyone could operate it. I,
however, don't have the expertise to do this.
Best regards, Jack
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