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I found that a pack I bought from REI weighed more than a pound more than the
advertised weight. I was upset, especially after trying so hard to knock
ounces off my base weight, but I used it anyway. It's a good fitting pack.
I've considered Kelty packs in the past since they're such a venerable
institution and will strongly consider the Cloud as my next pack.
On flat feet. At my Navy preinduction physical, the group was told to get
their feet wet and make an imprint. I was one of a few singled out as having
flat feet. I was nearly rejected from joining the Navy because I was told
that I could suffer extreme pain if forced to stand or march for long periods
of time (how often do sailors march, anyway?). Needless to say, the
conception was wrong. Now, it seems flat feet like my triple Es are
considered somewhat of an asset, I presume, because there are no archs to
have problems with. Mountain Dave
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