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[pct-l] The PCT Mapping Project
I received a post today from Tom Elkman at Wildflower Publications [Topo!
maps}. He has received Doug Gates' GPS records and entered them into the new
Topo! California software.
1-Doug Gates routes are excellent. When he gets finished we will have a
fully documented PCT route. I hope that he finishes California, at least,
this year because that is my area of responsibility.
2-The Topo!Trails routes currently posted on the Topo! website are very
close to what Doug recorded. I am suprised by the Guidebook map's accuracy.
[I am also suprised that I was able to trace them accurately] Based on
comparing the trail traced from the guidebook with the trail marked by Doug,
I would not be worried using the current Topo!Trails. Sure, there are some
inaccuracies but nothing that is a show-stopper
3-Once this project is completed it will be trivial to enter route changes,
detours etc, etc on the Topo! maps. It will also be trivial to enter other
things like water sources, trail stops and anything else of importance.
4-I can print an elevation profile of the trail from Topo! This should make
trip planning lots easier. [The hike over Forrester Pass, up the Bubbs Creek
canyon sidewall and over Glen Pass is not exactly a meadow stroll.]
5-I have also received multiple reports that basically say that the new
lightweight GPS models, coupled with the new increased accuracy, make
carrying a GPS a much more attractive proposition [not required, just cool].
* From the PCT-L | Need help? http://www.backcountry.net/faq.html *