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RE: [pct-l] water stashes
- Subject: RE: [pct-l] water stashes
- From: "Reynolds, WT" <reynolds@ilan.com>
- Date: Sun, 21 May 2000 13:24:14 -0700
Thanks for your input. I may not like what you said but I'd rather hear what
you really think than some politically correct Bandini. It appears that what
input we have suggests that "water stashing is not agood idea". Per Monte,
some hikers rely on a water stash. Some hikers abuse a water stash and, per
you, for some hikers a stash can be dangerous because they don't learn to
respect the trail.
What this means is that a *normal, responsible thruhiker can't occasionally
enjoy an extra quart of water that was left on the trail because some idiot
will rely, pig-out or dis-respect the trail based on the existance of this
If feel like Charlie Brown after Lucy, again, yanks away the football. "I
knew it, I knew it, I knew it....." I just didn't want to believe it. I
hoped things were different out there. Sigh!
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