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Journal Update 16 May 2000 (II)
- Subject: Journal Update 16 May 2000 (II)
- Date: Tue, 16 May 2000 14:09:32 -0700
[14 May cont]
That night we find a fortunate switchback, blessed with a luxurious flat
spot among the manzanita bushes.
[15 May] The sunrise over the Salton Sea, just visible through a gap in
the hills, is a subtle 180 degree wonder, in sharp contrast to the
daytime desert flowers, highly localized and usually of bright, even
gaudy colors.
Although neither of us gets out of bed until 0400, Christopher is ready
to go at 0530 and leaves before me. I spend some time putting Second
Skin on each forefoot; a couple of threatening blisters have shown up and
I must be aggressive about a potentially hobbling problem. Although I
start about 0622, I have to stop an hour later because my treatment has
shifted. Duct tape seems to fix the problem. This day is easier
load-wise because water and food are down to a minimum, but I continue to
suffer a gastric distress that may have as source heat, water, food,
The San Jose de Valle is a beautiful short-grassy range with occasional
clusters of huge crumbly granitic boulders. As I walk the narrow sandy
path, hundreds of grasshoppers of various types fly up in a cloud like
Pig Pen's moving dust storm.
About 16 miles from the campsite, I catch up with Christopher in Warner
Springs. My box has been delayed in the mail; I could use a rest, and we
get an exceptional deal on a twin-bed room across the street at the
Warner Springs Ranch.
[16 May]
My box hasn't yet arrived, with its food, supplies, guidebook section,
and other gear. After much discussion, Christopher valiantly offers for
us to walk together to Idyllwild. Pushed on by the room rate going up to
$90, I scrounge up enough food from various sources. Christopher paces
more or less patiently as I write emails, forward boxes, make phone
calls, and adapt to the new situation. I will have to call my daughter
from Idyllwild in about four days.
My stomach troubles are gone, at least temporarily.
We have finished Section A (110 miles), and in about an hour, we should
be starting Section B of the California Section of the Pcific Crest
-- Dave
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