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Re: [pct-l] South Bounders
- Subject: Re: [pct-l] South Bounders
- From: "Bradley Cascagnette" <bcascagn@law.uoregon.edu>
- Date: Thu, 18 May 2000 08:50:56 -0700
I started my southbound hike on June 15th of 98 and it worked out ok. I
would lean towards the later dates if you can hold back the itch to get out
there since the snow is still pretty bad. Also, brush up on those compass
skills because you will need them to get over fire creek pass, red pass and
grizzly peak. Fog rolled in when we were trying to cross red pass and
visibility was terrible. I learned how to use a compass on the trail;
although fun, I would not recommend that for a solo southbounder.
The section from Manning to Stehekin involves some postholing, but the most
difficult section of trail for the southbounder is Stehekin to Skykomish.
The trail was rarely visible and the Washington rain never stopped. With
that said, it is still a great time. Best of luck and enjoy the southbound
----- Original Message -----
From: "Paul Nickodem" <Dharmabum64@worldnet.att.net>