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[pct-l] Thru-hikers needed for Child Internet Safety awareness
* Message posted to PCT-L from the National Scenic Trails Website
* by our guest Bruce Moody <brucemoody@email.com>.
* Please use <mailto:brucemoody@email.com> to reply to the sender.
My name is Bruce Moody, and I am member of I-SAFE America. We’re a nonprofit organization dedicated to ensuring that a child’s experience on the Internet is safe, educational, and fun.
I am trying to reach individuals or groups preparing to thru-hike to Pacific Crest Trail. My hope that thru-hikers would be interested in helping to gain public awareness of our organization’s programs. They would do so simply by hiking the trail. It’s not my intention to trample the experience by thrusting a hiker into an unwanted public relations role. Rather, we would host a page on our site, and that page would receive e-mail updates from the hikers and photos, when available. Visitors to the site would have an opportunity to send encouraging emails to the hikers.
If you are a thru-hiker, or planning to be one, please visit our site. If you like what you see and wish to support the organization, please contact me, and we can discuss details.
We are grateful for your time and assistance. Please contact me when you are able, and please don’t hesitate if you have any question about our organization, our programs, or issues relating to children and the Internet.
Bruce Moody
I-SAFE America
(703) 428-1158
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