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RE: [pct-l] help re: KOP: Should I go?
The KOP [ADZPCTKO] is this Friday and Saturday. Last year about 50
thruhikers were in attendance one of these days and many sported very
creative homemade gear. The actual contest and party is Saturday night. We
have a lightweight stove contest with possibly a half dozen entrants and a
non-commercial homemade gear contest, entrants unknown, probably very few.
This year about 100 people will attend.
This party is about backpacking. People from all walks of life have entered
into relationships via this electronic list because of their love for
packing. The ADZPCTKO is not about where we go, how long, or how far we go,
or what we carry. Its about who we are. My gear mirrors my personality, my
lifestyle, my approach to life. Brett Tucker's [Blisterfree]gear mirrors
What I personally find most interesting on this list and at ADZPCTKO is
OTHER people's lifestyles, other people's value systems--lifestyles and
values that are not mine. To sum up my feelings about this party, this list,
I quote a forgotten 2000 hopeful responding to a Reynolds-Blisterfree tirade
on ultra-light packing: "I am not going to take one piece of [Reynolds']
advice [about gear] but if I run across him on my way to Canada I going to
bum a drink of Everclear"
AZDPCTKO? Come bum a drink! What better excuse do you need?
-----Original Message-----
From: KBerger466@aol.com [mailto:KBerger466@aol.com]
Sent: Tuesday, April 25, 2000 7:12 AM