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Re: [pct-l] PCT verses AT

I've thru hiked both the AT and the PCT. A lot of people asked me to campare
the two to one another. I would always reply that I thought mile for mile I
considered the AT to be harder hiking.

When I started out on the PCT and read sections of the guide that called for
steep trail I imagined the steep hand over foot climbs the AT offered. I was
quite happy to find that the PCT is graded in a more gentle manner and that
what was called steep in the guide didn't feel that way to me. From that
standpoint I felt like I had a mental advantage.

I'm not saying there aren't steep sections of the PCT because there are.
However, over all I found the PCT to be a better graded trail. And the
senery doens't compare. There is usually a wonderful pay off for a big climb
on the PCT while on the AT one toils many ups and downs without a single

http://www.pcthiker.com | experience the pacific crest trail

* From the PCT-L |  Need help? http://www.backcountry.net/faq.html  *
