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[pct-l] Roster Updates

All the information I have is now up on the PCT Roster at
http://www.tothesummit.com/PCTRoster.html. Great resource to find out
about your fellow hikers. If you're not there, join the gang. If your
listing has an error (or more than one!) let me know and I'll fix it.
I'm getting great vicarious pleasure through this since I'm not getting
out for an extended trip this summer.

I will be at ADZPCTKO and look forward to meeting all the names that
have become so familiar and hooking up with some friends from last year.

Am giving a workshop in San Diego the morning of Saturday, 4/29 but will
be out there for the evening of the 28th and spending the night on the
29th. Will have a vehicle so can do some ferrying on the 28th or the
afternoon of the 29th or all day the 30th. See y'all there!

Namaste, m

Margo Chisholm
Coach, Speaker, Author, Therapist
Partnering you in having success,
freedom and joy in all areas of your life
970-704-9336    fax 970-704-9346

"No man is free who is not master of himself.
Is freedom anything else than the power of
living as we choose?"

* From the PCT-L |  Need help? http://www.backcountry.net/faq.html  *
