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[pct-l] What's the weather like hiking the High Sierra's in mid May?

* Message posted to PCT-L from the National Scenic Trails Website
* by our guest Jon Ploski <ploskj01@doc.mssm.edu>.
* Please use <mailto:ploskj01@doc.mssm.edu> to reply to the sender.

I am planning a backpacking trip in the High Sierras in mid May. But at this point I really don't know what the weather will be like at the varying altitudes. Does someone have an idea of the general temperatures during that time of year, amount of snow and/or ice, etc? Are there certain trails to hike in the high sierras that are better to hike during mid May then others? I'm basically looking to backpack 5-7 days, preferably a loop hike. Thank you

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