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Re: [pct-l] Vegan calories
>From my small researches into vegan diet when I gave up meat
was that there are 2-3 essential amino acids (correct me if I am in error)
that the human body must have (out of 17 or something like that?)
that a vegan diet cannot provide as they do not exist in the plant world-
suplements are needed.. Most vegans, including myself when I was
a strict vegan in college had difficulty feeling "right" and had rashes
and other assorted little ills until I took suplments. Since I now
eat fish and chicken (still no red meat) I am stronger and feel
100% all the time.
At 4:33 PM -0800 3/13/2000, PCTResearch wrote:
>> I've heard
>> others say that getting enough calories for a thru-hike via a vegetarian or
>> vegan diet can be quite difficult. It's very tough to get the
>> calorie-to-weight ratio to where you need it using only vegan foods.
>>From a nutritional point of view, I do not see how eating animal derived
>calories has any advantage to the calorie-to-weight ratio. Carbohydrates
>deliver 4 calories/gram. Proteins, whether animal or plant derived, all
>deliver 4 calories/gram as well. It's the fat that delivers the calorie
>punch of 9 calories/gram, regardless if its animal or protein derived. The
>only advantages I can see to animal products is that they are easier to
>obtain and do not require a lot of culinary skill to get then to taste good.
> As for Craig's request, I would recommend visiting your local health
>food store and rummaging through their bulk bins. Try to find things like
>instant taboulie that require olive oil to prepare. In fact, olive and
>sesame oils should be a big part of your diet as they are great sources of
>stable fat. Another good fat source that is Vegan is coconut butter, an
>excellent source of saturated fat that can replace butter one to one..Maybe
>take a look at the message board at http://www.pcthiker.com where I did a
>little thread for a vegetarian concerned about the nutritional content of
>her diet. If you come across any good web sites about Vegan trail food drop
>me a line. One last plug is you might take a look at the EcoCuisine line of
>backpacking foods. They are vegetarian and organic. The web address is
>http://www.organicparadise.com/ . Good luck.
>Rusty "MyTie" Johnston
>pctresearch@pcthiker.com | Long-distance backpacking research
>http://www.pcthiker.com | experience the Pacific Crest Trail
>* From the PCT-L | Need help? http://www.backcountry.net/faq.html *
* From the PCT-L | Need help? http://www.backcountry.net/faq.html *