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Re: [pct-l] The Devil's Own

blisterfree@hotmail.com wrote:

>>the A#1 reason why this mailing list does not serve to help prospective thru-hikers is because it has been sabotaged by non-thru-hiking types 
...stuff cut out...
we end up with something people can truly use: vision. Vision from those who have seen.
So what if we were to start a new mailing list? <<

Blisterfree could start a "Wingfoot - West" list where the only allowed posts would be thru-hiking related where all non-thru hikers, and all those that disagree with Blisterfree would be either berated or kicked off the list, just like Wingfoot does on ATML.

the only members who would be allowed to give advise would be those with "Vision of those who have seen" who i'm sure would be those who shared Blisterfree's vision. only the devoted followers who would unquestioningly follow that advise would be allowed to ask questions, sort of trail ditto-heads.

i sortof like reynolds@ilan.com's sarcastic disregaurd for thu-hiking. i'm not going to take any of his advise, but i might try to bum some everclear and fresh fried fish off him as i hike by on my way to Canada.

rock on

in the city with two names twice.
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