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Re: [pct-l] Distance/Time
- Subject: Re: [pct-l] Distance/Time
- From: Stephen Martin <troubadour@pcthiker.com>
- Date: Thu, 27 Jan 2000 15:13:39 -0800
Part of the problem may be the side hike into Independence. It's 8-9 miles.
That's a 16-18 mile round trip with serious elevation change. So, perhaps
the extra is to account for the side hike. If one doesn't stop in
Indepedence, a good amount of time can be saved.
http://www.pcthiker.com | experience the pacific crest trail
on 1/27/00 2:21 PM, Peter Haskell at pchaskell@hotmail.com wrote:
> Mark,
> In a recent PCT List message I noticed that you took 9 days between Indep.
> and VVR. That set off an alarm for me. Craig's PCT Trip Planner pegged
> that section (using my critera of 2.1 MPH and 8 hrs. of hiking per day) at 7
> days. Can you shed any light on how I should be reading his data or using
> his program? Or, in general, estimating time between stops?
> My aim is to do the CA part of the PCT, 4/15-9/10/2000. I'm a slow hiker.
> Any light you might shed on this challenge would be helpful.
> Peter
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