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Re: [pct-l] Journals
Thanks for the post Andrew. Glad it brought you out from lurker mode!
I agree with you in that what goes on in the mind is definitely interesting
in terms of a hiker journal. However, if I felt like I could get away with,
"too tired to write," then my journal would have been pretty short! ;^)
I might also add that the scenery and body aches are very immediate and
dominate forces on a thru-hiker. The more nebulous matters of the mind may
be more difficult to try and figure out in the midst of the experience.
on 1/23/00 6:37 PM, Andrew Reynolds at andy_rey@ix.netcom.com wrote:
> I think it is just fine to make a journal
> entry that says, "did 30 miles - too tired to write." That tells me
> something about the journey and I find that informative (but maybe not
> entertaining). There will be days when there are informative and
> entertaining things to write and there is no need to force the issue.
Prior to my PCT thru-hike I read through several online journals. However, I
was already pumped to be out there before reading the first word. I think
folks on this list may be the exception and not need much prodding in that
However, I cannot recall specific ones I read. I do remember one being
hosted by Merrell and the author was actually a hiker I had met at Trail
Days in Damascus VA. So, I had an interest in that journal since he was an
I really like sites that offer photos in addition to the text. That really
brings the experience home. One has to have a good team at home working
behind the scenes to get it all together.
>>> What are your favorite PCT journal sites? Any that really made you feel
>>> like you were out there? OR want to be out there?
>>> Ginny
>> * From the PCT-L | Need help? http://www.backcountry.net/faq.html *
> * From the PCT-L | Need help? http://www.backcountry.net/faq.html *
* From the PCT-L | Need help? http://www.backcountry.net/faq.html *