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[pct-l] It's attitude, not gear
It's not what's on your back or on your feet that will determine whether
or not you have a good hike, it's what's in your head and heart. I've
backpacked light and I've backpacked heavy; I've had blisters on every
toe and gear that was totally inappropriate - yet still I had a good
time. A light load may add to the enjoyment (or at least decrease some
of the misery of long miles and steep climbs) but it won't determine
whether or not you reach Canada. A lot of thruhikers over the years
have gone the distance with 70 lb packs. It was what was between their
ears that got them there, not what was on their backs or on their feet.
Sure, go as light as you are comfortable with, but don't assume that
that is what will get you to Canada.
* From the PCT-L | Need help? http://www.backcountry.net/faq.html *